- Template
HTSV: Trainer-C-Kurs 2009/2010


Wie schreibe ich Artikel?

(Tipp: im Editiermodus gibt es oben "HILFE" -- da gibt es jede Menge Infos...)

In the editor, type this text:

My first page
1. This is line one
1. This is line two
My second page
2. This is line one
2. This is line two
My sub page
- This is line one
- This is line two
My third page
3. This is line one
3. This is line two

Now highlight 'My first page'. Click the H1 button.
Now highlight 'My second page'. Click the H1 button.
Now highlight 'My third page'. Click the H1 button.

Now highlight 'My sub page'. Click the H2 button.

Click the Save button (with the diskette icon).

This will now appear as items in the menu:

My first page
My second page
My third page

Select 'My second page'. The menu changes showing:

My first page
My second page
My sub page
My third page

All the content in CMSimple is stored in one long file, CMSimple uses the H1, H2 and H3 buttons to divide the text into a sequence of 'virtual pages'.




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